Studio Friction Town Hall Meeting & Community BBQ
Sunday, May 7, 2023
Dear Studio Friction Members,
Per feedback at the 2022 Annual meeting, the Board of Directors is assembling a mid – term Town Hall Meeting in an effort to provide a second opportunity in the year to update the community, and answer member questions. The board will present a mid-year update for all things Studio Friction, they will share the most recent survey data and answer questions put forth in the questions portal.
Thank you to all that responded to the call out for feedback last week on the proposed Incident Response Process. We received a lot of valuable feedback and are working to incorporate the suggestions. We plan to update the Incident Reporting materials between now and the Town Hall meeting for further discussion. Some of the topics that came up from the feedback that will be reflected in the updates were: conflict of interest policy, anti-retaliation policy, the means/format by which incidents will be compiled, clearer guidelines around membership/non membership for parties involved in reporting as well as logging and tracking redacted report history.
All members of Studio Friction are encouraged to attend the Town Hall meeting. The meeting will be both in person and virtual in order to make it as accessible as possible for our members.
Date: Sunday, May 7, 2023
Time: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM – Meeting
11:30 PM – 3:00 PM – BBQ and Play Time
Where: Zoom or In Person at Studio Friction
This meeting is for members of Studio Friction only. You can register for the meeting on our website. It is free of charge to attend and you may attend in person or virtually via the zoom link that you will receive in your registration confirmation. Please also take part in our Mid-Year Member Survey. You may also send questions you would like discussed at the meeting for the current board and committees via our Studio Friction Questions Portal. Please take the time to have your questions pre - submitted so that everyone is prepared with accurate answers and thoughtful responses, and so that we can time the cadence of the meeting to cover as much as possible.
Please try to keep your questions concise and direct. Multiple of the same questions will be summarized to one question.
We will do our best to keep the integrity of all questions in the words of the person who asks, however questions that use language that is harmful to others, will be reworded.
The survey and questions portal will close on May 1, 2023. All submissions are anonymous.
For transparency, the Survey and Questions Portal are monitored, viewed and copied to the meeting presentation by Smitten on the Board of Directors and Z from the Equity and Belonging Committee.
We look forward to seeing everyone in May!
Studio Friction Board of Directors