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Denver's Home for Rope and AErial Art

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Saturday Rope Time

  • 27 Mar 2021
  • 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Studio Friction Main Room
  • 6


  • $10 for event $10 for guest pass
  • per person

Registration is closed



Please know: 

  • You must register and pay online, no admittance or registration at the door. 
  • No admittance after 6:00 PM.
  • No refunds on cancellations within 24 hours of the event.
  • Masks are required. Please review additional COVID restrictions below.

Every Saturday from 5-8 pm, Studio Friction opens the doors for members to come practice their rope work. Make sure to bring some rope and a tying partner if you want to tie or be tied by another person. Self-suspenders and observers are welcome to come solo. Note that no class will be offered but knowledgeable folx will be around to answer questions!

For EVERYONES safety and health

  • The total capacity for open lab has been reduced to 24 attendees.
  • All attendees must register and pay online. No walk-ins will be permitted to join the event.
  • All attendees must sign a COVID waiver when registering online and submit to a symptom check including a no touch temperature check at the door.
  • All attendees must wear appropriate masks in the studio at all times and socially distance 6' per Colorado mandate.
  • The studio will be disinfected after the lab, and commonly touched surfaces will be cleaned during the event.
  • Hand sanitizer and surface sanitizer will be available throughout the studio
  • We require that you let us know if you test positive for COVID-19 and have been at the studio in the past 14 days.
  • In the event that someone who has attended the studio within the past 14 days tests positive for COVID-19, we will notify attendees who were at the same event. The identity of the positive individual will not be disclosed in the notification. Attendees will receive notification of possible exposure via the email address used to register for events.
  • If you are not feeling well, or if you have been around someone who has or is suspected to have the novel coronavirus, please be considerate and stay home.

Studio Friction

740 Lipan St. Denver, CO 80204

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