Talk Sexy Presents:
Maximum Wax - Getting Drippy 101
w/ Johannes
10/9 @ 7-10 PM
Why Wax: Wax is artistic, sadistic, and hedonistic. Wax is sensual, caressing bare skin with slick warm hands and fingers.
Why Wax: Wax is comforting, enveloping with soothing warmth. Wax is restrictive, immobilizing the limbs and constricting the torso. Wax is cruel, burning, searing, destructive and arrogant.
Why Wax: Fifteen minutes into my first wax pouring lesson, the room was permeated with her wonderful, womanly smell. That’s why wax.
Wax play is dripping hot wax from a lit candle and makes a great side-note or punctuation to a scene. Of course. And WRONG!! Now that that is out of the way:
Wax offers endless possibilities for sensual, artistic and sadistic play. Wax is bondage. Wax is a spa treatment. Wax is performance art. Many aspects about this type of edge play will be discussed: site and bottom prep, safety, application techniques – pour, drip, paint, throw, types of wax and their advantages and disadvantages, clean-up and aftercare. This wonderful medium can be the backbone or even the sole activity of a scene. Due to venue restrictions, there will be no candles nor blowtorch demonstrations; however, these techniques will be discussed.
Johannes, or paha_poiss on Fetlife, devoured the works of De Sade and the Pearl. Something about these stories resonated in him, especially from the point of view of the abducted, the tortured, and the defiled characters. Something, however was missing. Something kept him from making that joyous leap into depravity and perversion. This undefined something was emphatic and enthusiastic consent from the bottoms. Skip forward 30 years to the age of SSC, and the Internet BDSM; there he found the consent and power of the consensual submissive/bottom.
His current life, his philosophy, his persona, can be summarized by the following quotes
• BDSM is joyous childhood play, with adult sexual privilege and cool toys. (Midori, Thunder 2015)
• Fuck your box. (Stefanos & Shay – Thunder 2016)
He began his journey of discovery in Boise, Idaho in 2006, and has been active in the Denver community since summer of 2007. He self-identifies as a sadistic submissive and as a service top. He teaches heavy wax play, flogging and fire play. Now retired, he looks forward to a renewed involvement in the community. He is once again a dungeon monitor at the Sanctuary; he enthusiastically inherited Colorado Kinky Camping in 2016; and is working on educational opportunities with the Sanctuary Training, Education Presentation Series (STEPS), the Submissives Intensive Weekend and the Rocky Mountain Leather Association.
7-7:30 - Welcome
7:30-9 - Open discussion and demos
9-10 pm - Breakout discussions / Social Time
Studio Friction
740 Lipan St, Denver CO 80204
NOTE: This is likely to be a well attended event. Please bring something to sit on.
A global movement to help the world be sexually expressed!
A fun, safe place to meet new people & ask questions
A conversation -- where you take it from there is up to you!
There are lots of places to party and play, but not everyone wants to start there. If you are new to sex-positive culture or just want to learn more, this is where to start. However you identify you are welcome here!