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Studio Friction's N³ Party

  • 24 Mar 2018
  • 9:00 PM (MDT)
  • 25 Mar 2018
  • 1:00 AM (MDT)
  • Studio Friction


Registration is closed

N³ Party - Non-Normative Night
Hosted by: Hitchin' Bitches & Knotty Queers

When: Saturday March 24th from 9 PM-1 AM
Where: 740 Lipan St. Denver, CO 80204

Join Studio Friction, Hitchin' Bitches, and Knotty Queers for our monthly Non-Normative Night! This party is geared towards everyone in the LGBTQ++ rainbow to come and play, socialize, and generally have a great time! Join _Nil, grrldomme, Princess-Yum-Yum, and all the Knotty Queers and Hitchin' Bitches as we celebrate our first Queer Party at Studio Friction!

Snacks and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided. Please email with any questions!

*This party is open to all people who identify as part of, are allies of, or generally love the LGBTQ++/Queer communities. We will not be checking queer cards (though we may have a spot to issue everyone their's if they want) and trust those who decide to attend will be INCLUSIVE and ACCEPTING of all people in attendance.

Studio Friction

740 Lipan St. Denver, CO 80204

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