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Denver's Home for Rope and AErial Art

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Studio Friction Code of Conduct

Studio Friction rules are subject to change, and in all cases are subject to and subordinate to the laws of Colorado. By entering Studio Friction (the "Venue"), you agree to these rules. 

Respect for the Venue and All People

  • The Venue is a safe space for all people, leave judgements at the door. We do not condone sexism, racism, ageism, body shaming, or any other type of oppression.

  • Please do not purposefully damage any part of the Venue. Clean up after yourself (cleaning supplies are clearly marked).

  • Requests and directions made by an Event Manager, Event Host, or other volunteer ("Event Volunteers") must be followed.

  • The Event Manager has the right to stop any scene that they feel is unsafe, non-consensual, or too intense for the Venue.

  • If someone is breaching Play Space etiquette, your scene is being disturbed, or you are being bothered unduly, please notify an Event Volunteer. The Event Manager has final say in all activities in the Venue.

Consent is Paramount

  • No means no – do not ask for an explanation. Accept it and move on. 

  • Ask before any and all touching of one's person, equipment, or belongings.

  • Practice intentional negotiations and be fearless in communicating all boundaries.

  • Do not interrupt any scene or practice unless consent is granted. If you see something you're interested in, wait until all aftercare is completed before approaching anyone with questions.

Be Risk Aware

  • What is practiced at the Venue is dangerous and can cause serious bodily harm including death.

  • If you don't know how to do something, please ask and learn before trying it. Utilize spotters when needed.

  • Use of all suspension points is done at your own risk. While these points were checked by a structural engineer, the Venue makes no claims, warranties, or representations of their safety.

  • Have a pair of cutting shears or a rescue hook handy at your station so you can cut rope in an emergency situation. 

Venue Safewords

  • Yellow - Pause and check in, making any requested adjustments

  • Red - Stop now, we are done

  • Mayday - Consent is actively being violated – stop now, and an Event Volunteer will intercede with active parties


Confidentiality is imperative and allows the Venue to be a safe space in which people may enjoy themselves and learn. 

  • Do not discuss details of an event with others or name anyone who was there.

  • Do not approach folks from the Venue if you see them out in public. 

  • Do not share any private information about anyone with others (e.g. real name when they use a scene name, etc.)

Photography and Cell Phone Policy

Photography and cell phones are allowed in the Venue under the following conditions:  

  • Before taking a photo, you must obtain consent from all subject(s) appearing in the photo.

  • You must ensure that no person(s) appear in the background of the photo. Point the camera/phone away from other people and toward a wall, the floor, or other backdrop. If appropriate, ask people to temporarily move out of the way. Be mindful of people in the distance (upstairs, downstairs, or in other rooms).

  • You agree to delete/destroy any photos you take where person(s) appear in the background of the photo. If asked, you agree to show your photo to an Event Volunteer to confirm the appearance (or not) of people in the background. 

  • You must have consent from the photographer and/or subject(s) appearing in the photo before sharing, transmitting, posting, publishing, or otherwise using the photo. You understand that such consent can be revoked by the photographer and/or subject(s) at any time and agree to remove and/or delete/destroy the photo as requested.

  • Photos may not be edited to distort, hide, or remove the appearance of person(s) in the background. You understand such photos must be deleted/destroyed.
  • Put your phone on silent mode or set to vibrate so that calls/texts do not disrupt others.
  • Make or take phone calls in the lobby or outside of the building.
  • Be mindful of where your phone is pointed when texting or otherwise using your phone.

These rules are in place to protect everyone's privacy. Please do not "out" people in your photos.

    Play Space Etiquette

    • The Venue defines "Play Space" time as any scene or play time during a "Party" event. This includes our sponsored Parties and any partner Parties.

    • Do not intrude on any scene unless previously negotiated with all active members of said scene or help is asked for (follow consent guidelines in this instance).

    • Watch from a respectful distance, for your safety and the safety of the people doing a scene.

    • Keep all conversations to a minimum while in the main room, champagne room, and loft area. Long conversations should be taken to the social area. Think about how your actions are influencing others' scenes and energies.

    Practice/Lab Etiquette

    • The Venue defines "Practice/Lab" time as any other time not defined in "Play Space" time while the Venue is open. It is typically more casual and socially oriented, though people are allowed to scene or play during this time as well.

    • Questions are encouraged but please do so after the practicing/labbing is done.

    • When practicing above your comfortable skill level, ask for a spotter.

    Extreme & Forbidden Play

     Extreme Play

    You must alert the Event Manager if your play falls into the following categories:

    Forbidden Play

    The following is never allowed at the Venue:

    Breath Play

    Abduction Play

    Consensual Non-consent

    Blood Play

    Candle Wax Play (with open flame)

    Fire Play (exhibiting proficient knowledge and safety)

    Any play above the skill level of the top and/or bottom 

    Gun Play - prohibited items include but are not limited to:

    • firearms of all sorts, ammunition of all sorts, and gun paraphernalia

    Urine, scat, or vomit play of any kind

    *** If you witness any of these, please alert an Event Volunteer immediately

    Guidelines for Extreme Play 

    • Any and all fluids must be contained and disposed of appropriately. If your scene is going to be messy, please put down plastic (that you must provide). If you are playing with any sort of sharps, you will need to provide your own sharps container.

    • Fire Play needs to be discussed with the Event Manager before you set-up or begin engaging in play. The Event Manager will advise on space to play and check and approve your kit.

        • Your kit must include:
          • Fire suppression - maneuverable bowl/bucket for water, 100% cotton cloths/towels, fire extinguisher*
          • 100% cotton sheets
          • Safe and sturdy container for fuel
          • Medical/burn supplies (e.g. aloe vera, lidocaine, burn gel, etc.)
        • Fire Play scenes are only permitted during Parties and time defined as Play Space. Only one (1) Fire Play scene will be allowed to occur at a time.
        • No Fireballs or Flamethrowers are allowed in Play Space.
        • A spotter is required for all Fire Play and is considered an active member of the scene.
        • No pillows are allowed to be used during Fire Play.
        • Fire Play may not be combined with any forms of bondage or latex clothing.
        • The bottom/person receiving Fire Play must be laying down or horizontal. They may not be positioned upright or standing.
    *Studio Friction has fire extinguishers throughout the Venue and can provide one for use during your scene.
    • If, as an observer, you see play that appears dangerous/non-consensual, do not interrupt the scene. Find an Event Volunteer and ask that they investigate.

    I acknowledge I have read and agree to abide by the Studio Friction Code of Conduct.

    First Name:  ___________________________________

    Legal Last Name: _______________________________

    Email: ________________________________________

    Phone:  _______________________________________

    Date: _________________________________________

    Revised 6/24/2024

    Studio Friction

    740 Lipan St. Denver, CO 80204

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